Job: Postdoctoral position

Deadline: February 23rd, 2024, 23:59 CET

Posted by MagoMerlino on January 16, 2024 · 3 mins read

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center (NCAC), in Warsaw, Poland, to work on MHD simulations of magnetised neutron stars.

The successful applicants will join the team led by Dr Brynmor Haskell and work on the project “MERLIN: Magnetic field dynamics in neutron stars”, funded by an OPUS-LAP grant of the Polish National Science Center, nr 2022/47/I/ST9/01494. The project is an international collaboration with a team lead by Prof. Sebastiano Bernuzzi of the University of Jena, Germany.

The overall project aim is to use numerical simulations to understand the magnetic field configuration in neutron star interiors and investigate the role of turbulence in its evolution.

The candidate for this position will be based in Warsaw, but is expected to spend time in Jena collaborating with the team of Prof. Bernuzzi. The candidate is expected to develop numerical MHD simulations, analyse data and study the astrophysical implications of the results.

The position is available for 3 years. We envisage a start in the fall of 2024, but a different (possibly earlier) starting date is negotiable.

Candidates are expected to have a valid PhD degree in Physics, Mathematics or related discipline, obtained within 7 years from the date of starting the employment (career breaks such as for maternity/paternity leave can be taken into account). Experience in either modelling magnetized neutron stars or in general relativistic hydrodynamics is desired.

The application should be sent by e-mail (as PDF files), with the subject “Postdoc position on MHD simulations of magnetised neutron stars” to by February 23, 2024, 23:59 CET.

Review of the applications shall commence immediately after that and short-listed candidates will be invited for interviews.

Candidates should submit the following documents:

(1) a copy of their PhD diploma or a binding statement of its date of completion, (2) a CV including the list of publications, (3) a short statement of research achievements and interests (maximum 3 pages); (4) a scan of the signed GDPR form (NCN GDPR document available at this link,

In addition, at least two letters of recommendation should be arranged and sent directly by their authors to the same e-mail address above.

The selection criteria include:

1) the candidate’s research achievements including publications in prestigious academic press journals (50 % of the final score);

2) research-related achievements, scholarships, awards and research experience gained in Poland or abroad, research workshops and training courses, participation in research projects (20 % of the final score);

3) the candidate’s competence to carry out specific tasks in the research project (30 % of the final score).

Questions about the position can be sent to: